In 2015 I discovered you could make money online with trading forex.

I've read many books about this and followed different psychology courses of Pat Bailouny and Rewired.

In the beginning I only lost money and made all the (emotional) beginner mistakes.

But after years of perseverance and self discipline I became a little better and I started making profit.


From my experience I've made a unique, profitable strategy based on Smart Money Concepts (supply and demand) and Elliott wave analysis.

I've left my job and now I live from online trading.
I have the time freedom I always wanted but I like to help others too. That's why I've established Eduwave Trading.

I've chosen to stay anonimous but that doesn't mean I can't give you the value you need. 
It's your choice if you trust me on my results or not.

I wish you much of success in your trading journey.

